
How to send donations


Create your art!

We recommend drawings and uplifting messages any kid would appreciate. Please make sure nothing such as glitter falls off.


Make sure you do not..

include any religious comments, personal information, and any illness related statements such as "get well."​​


Mail it to WHC

Address is: Weheartchildren 88 Potter Pond, Lexington, MA, 02421

If you want to sell art/fundraise..

There are many ways to fundraise/sell art! You can do bake sales, lemonade stands, create an Etsy shop, or sell your art on the streets. Here are some things to keep in mind:


A % of profits must go to WHC via GoFundMe in the menu tab. As WHC is 501(c)(3), your donation is tax deductible.


Please send pictures via email at contact.weheartchildren@gmail.com


Reach out to family, friends, classmates, and more for donations. A little as $5 makes a huge impact!

Please reach out if you have any questions!

If you would like to create care packages or teach art, email hannahsul.weheartchildren@gmail.com for more info